UKHSA has worked closely with the Oil & Gas Industry for many years in a number of capacities including Radiation Protection Adviser, industry specific radiation protection training courses delivery, radioactive source leak testing and analytical support and consultancy services.

We are well equipped to analyse produced waters, scale and sludge arising from production sites as well as supporting assessment of wastes arising from decommissioning operations. In addition to the radioanalytical services, we also provide further support analysis, including mercury and oil content of waste materials. Further information can be found out through our entry on the FPAL database.

UKHSA can tailor the format of your analytical results to your individual requirements and has experience in working alongside operators and regulators to ensure regulatory compliance.

We also provide support for other industries affected by naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) issues, such as the use of zircon sands and the phosphate processing industry.


UKHSA works with the Oil & Gas industry, analysing a variety of materials including production water and oily sludge for naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM), mercury and oil content. A variety of other chemical tests can be undertaken and sample delivery logistics are well established.