Laboratory methods of analysis are based on internationally recognised standards. These include techniques for analysing most common natural and artificial nuclides. In some cases alternative analytical techniques have been developed to provide the maximum analytical sensitivity.

UKHSA is experienced developing novel analytical techniques in response to a particular combination of matrix and radionuclide specified; in all cases, results are produced of a high quality and traceable to national standards.

UKHSA is a recognised international expert in Environmental Dose Assessments. This work routinely includes estimation of radiation doses to the public from environmental radiation sources. These doses may originate from atmospheric or aquatic discharges of artificial radionuclides or from exposure to natural radionuclides from other environmental pathways.

Below are some of the tests UKHSA can perform on a variety of sample types. A list of UKAS accredited analyses can be found by accessing our accreditation schedules. Non-accredited analyses are carried out to similar in-house quality standards.

We offer both accredited and non-accredited sampling services depending on your needs. If the test or accreditation you need is not shown below, please contact us so that we can arrange it for you.

Radiochemical Analyses routinely undertaken by UKHSA Analytical Services

Type of test/measurement UKAS accredited sampling status Non-accredited
Gamma spectrometry
Gamma ray air kerma rates
Total alpha activity
Total beta activity
Total activity by liquid scintillation counting  
Tritium (H-3)
Uranium-234, 235 & 238
Thorium-228, 230 & 232
Plutonium-238/239 & 240
Curium-242 & 243/244
Total activity (relative to Fe-55/C-14 or C-14/Cs-137)