Radiation Awareness Training

Radiation awareness training puts the radiation risk into perspective and provides an incentive to follow procedures to keep doses as low as possible. Classified radiation workers and others working in controlled areas in particular, must understand the hazards of working with radiation.

Health and Safety Requirements

The Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 are enforced by the Health and Safety Executive and are concerned with the safety of individuals who may be exposed to radiation at work. A significant requirement is that the employer must ensure that radiation exposure is restricted so far as is reasonably practicable. Regulation 15 states:

"Every employer must ensure that those of its employees who are engaged in work with ionising radiation are given appropriate training in the field of radiation protection and receive such information and instruction as is suitable and sufficient for them to know:
  • the risks to health created by exposure to ionising radiation
  • the radiation protection procedures and precautions which should be taken
  • the importance of complying with the medical, technical and administrative requirements of these Regulations"
The Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017
Regulation 15

Radioactive Substances Regulation

An employer who is authorised by one of the UK's environment agencies to keep radioactive material or accumulate or dispose of radioactive waste, must comply with the conditions in the authorisation. For permit holders in England and Wales, this includes the general management condition, which states:

"The operator shall manage and operate his activities using sufficient competent persons and resources"

and for permit holders in Scotland:

"You must ensure that anyone carrying out duties that may affect compliance with your authorisation is suitably trained and experienced"

The RPS will often take a lead in supervising the radioactive sources, and in helping their employer meet the authorisation conditions.

The benefits of awareness training

Radiation awareness training can explain the risk associated with radiation exposure in perspective; provide the incentive for operators to follow procedures; and teach specific skill such as how to use a radiation monitor or deal with an emergency.

Training can also offer re-assurance that operators are safe from the effects of exposure to radiation. This may be the case for low risk applications such as mail inspection systems, use of calibration sources, benchtop laboratory analytical equipment or routine work around other well shielded sources.

Training Options

Radiation awareness training can be delivered as formal structured teaching, informal in-house training or practical tool-box talks, focussing on specific aspects of radiation safety.

Our scheduled courses offer radiation awareness training for a range of individuals. Detailed descriptions of these courses are available and we hope you find one that is right for you. If you would like to discuss your individual training needs, or arrange a private, customised course, please contact us.