System requirements

  • PACE has been developed in Windows 7 64-bit. It also runs under Windows 7 32-bit.
  • PACE is an Add-in for ArcGIS and requires ArcGIS 10 Desktop or later to run. See for more details
  • The NAMEIII atmospheric model that PACE incorporates is a highly complex numerical code and has to be run repeatedly for many different meteorological conditions and overall run times can be days for a complex situation involving a large area, long duration release and many radionuclides. Therefore a powerful multi-processor workstation is preferred for PACE. For example PHE typically use an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 2.53 GHz (2 processor) workstation with 8 GB of RAM.
  • PACE has significant spatial input data requirements and generates greater quantities of output data. The default run-set for the UK is nearly 1 GB and just one year of NWP data for NAMEIII at 10-11km resolution could be 30-40 GB when uncompressed. A single output database could in extreme cases be 10 or more GB. Therefore a large local drive is desirable as well as access to a large server for backup and long term storage.

Online services and support

  • Web-based knowledge base
  • Web-based and telephone support with web-based logging
  • Download software from web
  • Account and purchase history


Development of PACE was undertaken by UKHSA.

NAMEIII was developed by Met Office and is available for use within PACE on a special license.

To find out more about the verification and validation of the models used in PACE click here