Yannick obtained his Ph. D. at the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (France) working on a project on a new mechanism of regulation of potassium channels by the phospholipase D2 and the ethanol. During his Ph.D., he developed skills in cell culture and molecular biology. Following his thesis, he carried out his first postdoc at the University of Nice (France) where he studied the effects of irradiation treatment on medulloblastoma cells and highlighted the impact of lymphangiogenic factors on medulloblastoma cancer aggressiveness after an irradiation. Afterwards, Yannick started a position at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics in Oxford to worked on the N1459S mutation of the BCOR co-repressor in endometrial cancer. In 2023, Yannick joined the Cancer Mechanisms and Biomarkers group at UKHSA. Using the CRISPR technology, he is currently working on the development of a new biological tool able to detect irradiation exposure. In parallel, he is working on the identification of radiation quality specific gene expression signatures in human white blood cells and skin.