PHE specialist modules are designed for the Radiation Protection Adviser and radiation protection professionals requiring an in-depth understanding of specialist topics, including:

  • Radiation Emergencies: Planning and Response
  • Selection, use and testing of radiation protection instrumentation
  • Management of Radioactive Waste

Course completion contributes to the requisite knowledge for those seeking certification by a recognised assessing body in these specialist areas.

Radiation Emergencies: Planning and Response course

In an emergency many organisations will be providing services and carrying out protective functions. This must be done in a co-ordinated manner. The course provides an overview of nuclear and radiation emergency planning and response, explaining the roles of different authorities and the arrangements for providing advice and co-ordination. The course is organised by PHE which is responsible for advising government departments and others on radiological protection matters in an emergency.

This course is intended for those who develop and support emergency response to nuclear emergencies and accidents involving radioactive materials. It is equally suitable for industry, health service and both local and national government agencies' representatives. Overseas delegates are also most welcome. The course will be assessed by examination.

Selection, use and testing of radiation protection instrumentation course

This course is for everyone with responsibility for advising on the selection of radiation monitoring equipment, for ensuring that instruments are examined and tested in accordance with statutory requirements, and for advising on its use.

This course is designed for students who have completed The Foundation in Radiological Protection course. It is also suitable for students with a good knowledge of radiation protection principles and practice, and of the interactions of radiation with matter.

The course provides an in-depth introduction to the theory and practice of the use and testing of radiation protection instrumentation. Practical exercises, group exercises and visits within PHE are used to supplement lectures and reinforce learning. Most lectures teach the subject in a qualitative manner, for the few topics that use applied maths to illustrate learning points, additional teaching support is offered, where needed.

Management of Radioactive Waste course

This course addresses the knowledge and understanding requirements regarding radioactive waste as specified in the Radioactive Waste Advisers (RWAs) syllabus published by the environmental regulators December 2012.

The course has been extended to encompass the additional areas specified in the syllabus. Like the RPA Core of Knowledge, for the RWA, one course on the management of radioactive waste will be insufficient to satisfy all the requirements of the RWA syllabus. For full coverage of the topics specified in the syllabus the RPTS Foundation in Radiological Protection and UK Legislation and International Recommendations courses will also be required and it is strongly recommended that students should have attended these or have a detailed knowledge of their contents before attending the Management of Radioactive Waste course.