As well as our dose assessment services, we offer a HSE Approved service for Co-ordination and Record Keeping. For classified workers, we:

  • record individual dose results and cumulative totals
  • retain the records for sixty years, meeting the requirements of the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017
  • retain the records securely and in accordance with all relevant data protection legislation
  • make the permitted alterations to dose records, as appropriate

Dose Record Keeping (DRK) involves recording all radiation doses received by an individual, during a given employment. Each registered person is recognised by their National Insurance Number (NIN) and each dose record is the property of the employer. The service is used both by employers who use our dosemeters and by those who use dosemeters supplied by another Approved Dosimetry Service (ADS).

A radiation dose record is a record of all the assessments of dose made for an individual whilst working for a particular employer. When the employee leaves, the record is closed (terminated) and when an employee joins a different employer, a new dose record is opened. Over time, an employee can have several dose records with different employers. When a worker is registered with us for DRK, we seek the most up-to-date dose information from our records, other ADSs or the HSE Central Index of Dose Information (CIDI).

Dose records can be kept for employees who are classified (see below) or unclassified. For employers, this can help as a reassurance measure or for quality assurance purposes. An employee who is designated as a 'classified' person under Regulation 21 of IRR17 must be registered for DRK with an ADS. In summary the regulation states:

  • Any person who may foreseeably receive an effective dose exceeding 6 mSv, or an equivalent dose exceeding three-tenths of any relevant dose limit, must be designated as a classified person.
  • To be designated as a classified person, employees must be aged 18 years or over and be proven medically fit.
  • Classified persons must remain so until the end of the calendar year except on medical grounds or when changing employment, unless their work is changing so that their exposure is negligible.

How it Works

To register an employee for Dose Record Keeping

Complete a UKHSA Form 97 (below) and include any known radiation dose history. Forward completed forms to Customer Services. An invoice will be sent to cover the initial registration fee (see current price list). This also covers the first year of DRK. Subsequent years will attract an annual charge and will be invoiced automatically. The Form 97 includes a section for you to request a named dosemeter for your new employee. If you indicate that the employee needs a dosemeter and you do not currently receive any spare numbered dosemeters, we will use this as authority to increase your order.

To terminate an employee from Dose Record Keeping

To terminate an employee from DRK, complete a UKHSA Form 122 (below) with the date the records are to stop. Once all dosemeters have been returned and processed, a termination record will be produced for the employee (and for CIDI in the case of classified employees) plus a copy for the employer. There is no charge to terminate a record. Closing a dose record will not automatically stop the employee's dosemeter: it will revert back to a serial numbered dosemeter unless you tell us in writing that you wish to reduce the numbers being supplied.

To apply for a passbook

Under Regulation 22 of IRR17, a classified employee who is working in a controlled area which belongs to separate employer will need a radiation passbook. To apply for a passbook, complete a UKHSA Form 349 (below) and return it to Customer Services. An invoice will be forwarded.


Employees registered for DRK will receive the following reports:

  • A registration report on joining.
  • Reports when new entries are made to the record.
  • Quarterly summary reports with the final quarter acting as the annual summary.
  • Termination records following an instruction to stop record keeping.
  • Summary or full records, produced on request.
  • Special reports for users of radiation passbooks (to help transfer information to the book).

In cases where single dose levels are high or where cumulative doses approach or exceed maximum investigation levels as set out in IRR17, the reports carry appropriate warnings. These are accompanied by letters advising on any necessary action.